Poncirus trifoliata v1.3.1 genome, acc. DPI 50-7, provided by JGI Citation: Peng Z, Bredeson JV, Wu GA, Shu S, Rawat N, Du D, Parajuli S, Yu Q, You Q, Rokhsar DS, Gmitter FG, Deng Z. A Chromosome-scale Reference Genome of Trifoliate Orange (Poncirus trifoliata) Provides Insights into Disease Resistance, Cold Tolerance and Genome Evolution in Citrus. The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology. 2020 Sep 27. Please download the original assembly and annotation files from JGI Phytozome: https://phytozome-next.jgi.doe.gov/info/Ptrifoliata_v1_3_1 The files available under the 'assembly' and 'annotation' directories on the CGD FTP have been modified for uploading the data into CGD. The names of the scaffolds and features have been altered to provide unique IDs. That is the only difference between these files and the original files available at JGI.